Source code for formulas.excel.cycle

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2023 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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A dependency-free version of networkx's implementation of `simple_cycles`.

from collections import defaultdict

def _strong_connect(node, graph, counter, stack, result, lowlink, index):
    index[node] = lowlink[node] = counter[0]
    counter[0] += 1

    for s in graph[node]:
        if s not in index:
            _strong_connect(s, graph, counter, stack, result, lowlink, index)
            lowlink[node] = min(lowlink[node], lowlink[s])
        elif s in stack:
            lowlink[node] = min(lowlink[node], index[s])

    if lowlink[node] == index[node]:
        connected_component = []

        while True:
            s = stack.pop()
            if s == node:

def _strongly_connected_components(graph):
    # Tarjan's algorithm for finding SCC's
    # Robert Tarjan. "Depth-first search and linear graph algorithms."
    # SIAM journal on computing. 1972.
    # Code by Dries Verdegem, November 2012
    # Downloaded from

    counter, stack, result, lowlink, index = [0], [], [], {}, {}
    for node in graph:
        if node not in index:
            _strong_connect(node, graph, counter, stack, result, lowlink, index)
    return result

def _remove_node(graph, target):
    # Completely remove a node from the graph
    # Expects values of G to be sets
    del graph[target]
    for nbrs in graph.values():

def _subgraph(graph, vertices):
    # Get the subgraph of G induced by set vertices
    # Expects values of G to be sets
    return {v: graph[v] & vertices for v in vertices}

def _unblock(thisnode, blocked, no_circuit):
    stack = {thisnode}
    while stack:
        node = stack.pop()
        if node in blocked:

[docs] def simple_cycles(graph, copy=True): # Yield every elementary cycle in python graph G exactly once # Expects a dictionary mapping from vertices to iterables of vertices if copy: graph = {v: set(nbrs) for v, nbrs in graph.items()} sccs = _strongly_connected_components(graph) while sccs: scc = sccs.pop() startnode = scc.pop() path, blocked, closed = [startnode], {startnode}, set() no_circuit = defaultdict(set) stack = [(startnode, list(graph[startnode]))] while stack: thisnode, nbrs = stack[-1] if nbrs: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences nextnode = nbrs.pop() if nextnode == startnode: yield path[:] closed.update(path) elif nextnode not in blocked: path.append(nextnode) stack.append((nextnode, list(graph[nextnode]))) closed.discard(nextnode) blocked.add(nextnode) continue if not nbrs: if thisnode in closed: _unblock(thisnode, blocked, no_circuit) else: for nbr in graph[thisnode]: if thisnode not in no_circuit[nbr]: no_circuit[nbr].add(thisnode) stack.pop() path.pop() _remove_node(graph, startnode) sccs.extend(_strongly_connected_components(_subgraph(graph, set(scc))))