Source code for formulas.functions.math

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
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Python equivalents of math and trigonometry Excel functions.
import math
import functools
import numpy as np
from . import (
    get_error, raise_errors, is_number, flatten, wrap_ufunc, wrap_func,
    replace_empty, Error

# noinspection PyDictCreation
FUNCTIONS['ABS'] = wrap_ufunc(np.abs)
FUNCTIONS['ACOS'] = wrap_ufunc(np.arccos)
FUNCTIONS['ACOSH'] = wrap_ufunc(np.arccosh)
    lambda x: (np.arctan(np.divide(1, x)) + np.pi) % np.pi
FUNCTIONS['ACOTH'] = wrap_ufunc(lambda x: np.arctanh(np.divide(1, x)))

[docs]def xarabic(text): num = (1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1) it = map(num.__getitem__, map('MDCLXVI'.index, str(text).upper()[::-1])) res, add, p = 0, True, -1 for v in it: if p != v: add = p < v p = v if add: res += v else: res -= v return res
FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.ARABIC'] = FUNCTIONS['ARABIC'] = wrap_ufunc( xarabic, input_parser=lambda *a: a, args_parser=lambda *a: (replace_empty(x, '') for x in a) ) FUNCTIONS['ASIN'] = wrap_ufunc(np.arcsin) FUNCTIONS['ASINH'] = wrap_ufunc(np.arcsinh) FUNCTIONS['ATAN'] = wrap_ufunc(np.arctan)
[docs]def xarctan2(x, y): return x == y == 0 and Error.errors['#DIV/0!'] or np.arctan2(y, x)
FUNCTIONS['ATAN2'] = wrap_ufunc(xarctan2) FUNCTIONS['ATANH'] = wrap_ufunc(np.arctanh) FUNCTIONS['COS'] = wrap_ufunc(np.cos) FUNCTIONS['COSH'] = wrap_ufunc(np.cosh)
[docs]def xcot(x, func=np.tan): x = func(x) return (1 / x) if x else Error.errors['#DIV/0!']
FUNCTIONS['COT'] = FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.COT'] = wrap_ufunc(xcot) FUNCTIONS['COTH'] = FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.COTH'] = wrap_ufunc( functools.partial(xcot, func=np.tanh) ) FUNCTIONS['CSC'] = FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.CSC'] = wrap_ufunc( functools.partial(xcot, func=np.sin) ) FUNCTIONS['CSCH'] = FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.CSCH'] = wrap_ufunc( functools.partial(xcot, func=np.sinh) )
[docs]def xceiling(num, sig, ceil=math.ceil, dfl=0): if sig == 0: return dfl elif sig < 0 < num: return np.nan return ceil(num / sig) * sig
FUNCTIONS['CEILING'] = wrap_ufunc(xceiling)
[docs]def xceiling_math(num, sig=None, mode=0, ceil=math.ceil): if sig == 0: return 0 elif sig is None: x, sig = abs(num), 1 else: sig = abs(sig) x = num / sig if mode and num < 0: return -ceil(abs(x)) * sig return ceil(x) * sig
[docs]def xdecimal(text, radix): text, radix = str(text), int(radix) try: return int(text, radix) except ValueError: return Error.errors['#NUM!']
FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.DECIMAL'] = FUNCTIONS['DECIMAL'] = wrap_ufunc( xdecimal, input_parser=lambda *a: a )
[docs]def xeven(x): v = math.ceil(abs(x) / 2.) * 2 return -v if x < 0 else v
FUNCTIONS['EVEN'] = wrap_ufunc(xeven) FUNCTIONS['EXP'] = wrap_ufunc(np.exp)
[docs]def xfact(number, fact=math.factorial, limit=0): return np.nan if number < limit else int(fact(int(number or 0)))
FUNCTIONS['FACT'] = wrap_ufunc(xfact) def _factdouble(x): return np.multiply.reduce(np.arange(max(x, 1), 0, -2))
[docs]def xfactdouble(number): raise_errors(number) x = list(flatten(replace_empty(number), None))[0] if isinstance(x, bool): return Error.errors['#VALUE!'] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # noinspection PyTypeChecker x = xfact(x, _factdouble, -1) return (np.isnan(x) or np.isinf(x)) and Error.errors['#NUM!'] or x
FUNCTIONS['FACTDOUBLE'] = wrap_func(xfactdouble) FUNCTIONS['FLOOR'] = wrap_ufunc( functools.partial(xceiling, ceil=math.floor, dfl=Error.errors['#DIV/0!']) ) FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.FLOOR.MATH'] = FUNCTIONS['FLOOR.MATH'] = wrap_ufunc( functools.partial(xceiling_math, ceil=math.floor) ) FUNCTIONS['FLOOR.PRECISE'] = FUNCTIONS['FLOOR.MATH'] FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.FLOOR.PRECISE'] = FUNCTIONS['FLOOR.MATH'] FUNCTIONS['INT'] = wrap_ufunc(int) FUNCTIONS['ISO.CEILING'] = FUNCTIONS['CEILING.PRECISE'] FUNCTIONS['LOG10'] = wrap_ufunc(np.log10) FUNCTIONS['LOG'] = wrap_ufunc( lambda x, base=10: np.log(x) / np.log(base) if base else np.nan ) FUNCTIONS['LN'] = wrap_ufunc(np.log)
[docs]def xmod(x, y): return y == 0 and Error.errors['#DIV/0!'] or np.mod(x, y)
FUNCTIONS['MOD'] = wrap_ufunc(xmod)
[docs]def xmround(*args): raise_errors(args) num, sig = list(flatten(map(replace_empty, args), None)) if isinstance(num, bool) or isinstance(sig, bool): return Error.errors['#VALUE!'] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): x = num < 0 < sig and np.nan or xceiling(num, sig, ceil=np.round) return (np.isnan(x) or np.isinf(x)) and Error.errors['#NUM!'] or x
FUNCTIONS['MROUND'] = wrap_func(xmround)
[docs]def xodd(x): v = math.ceil(abs(x)) // 2 * 2 + 1 return -v if x < 0 else v
FUNCTIONS['ODD'] = wrap_ufunc(xodd) FUNCTIONS['PI'] = lambda: math.pi
[docs]def xpower(number, power): if number == 0: if power == 0: return Error.errors['#NUM!'] if power < 0: return Error.errors['#DIV/0!'] return np.power(number, power)
FUNCTIONS['POWER'] = wrap_ufunc(xpower) FUNCTIONS['RADIANS'] = wrap_ufunc(np.radians) FUNCTIONS['RAND'] = wrap_func(np.random.rand)
[docs]def xrandbetween(bottom, top): if isinstance(bottom, bool) or isinstance(top, bool): return Error.errors['#VALUE!'] dx = top - bottom if dx < 0: return Error.errors['#NUM!'] return bottom + dx * np.random.rand()
FUNCTIONS['RANDBETWEEN'] = wrap_ufunc( xrandbetween, input_parser=lambda *a: a, check_error=lambda *a: get_error(*a[::-1]) ) def _xroman(form): form = int(form + 1) num, let = (1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1), 'MDCLXVI' for i, (n, l) in enumerate(zip(num, let), 1): yield n, l y = [] for v, k in zip(num[i:], let[i:]): v = n - v if v not in num: y.append((v, k + l)) if len(y) == form: break yield from y[::-1]
[docs]def xroman(num, form=0): num, form = int(num), not isinstance(form, bool) and int(form or 0) or 0 if not (0 <= num < 4000 and 0 <= form <= 4): raise ValueError() result = "" for i, n in _xroman(form): if not num: break count = int(num / i) result += n * count num -= i * count return result
FUNCTIONS['ROMAN'] = wrap_ufunc(xroman, input_parser=lambda *a: a)
[docs]def xround(x, d, func=round): d = 10 ** int(d) v = func(abs(x * d)) / d return -v if x < 0 else v
FUNCTIONS['ROUND'] = wrap_ufunc(xround) FUNCTIONS['ROUNDDOWN'] = wrap_ufunc(functools.partial(xround, func=math.floor)) FUNCTIONS['ROUNDUP'] = wrap_ufunc(functools.partial(xround, func=math.ceil)) FUNCTIONS['SEC'] = FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.SEC'] = wrap_ufunc( functools.partial(xcot, func=np.cos) ) FUNCTIONS['SECH'] = FUNCTIONS['_XLFN.SECH'] = wrap_ufunc( functools.partial(xcot, func=np.cosh) ) FUNCTIONS['SIGN'] = wrap_ufunc(np.sign) FUNCTIONS['SIN'] = wrap_ufunc(np.sin) FUNCTIONS['SINH'] = wrap_ufunc(np.sinh)
[docs]def xsumproduct(*args): # Check all arrays are the same length # Excel returns #VAlUE! error if they don't match raise_errors(args) assert len(set(arg.size for arg in args)) == 1 inputs = [] for a in args: a = a.ravel() x = np.zeros_like(a, float) b = np.vectorize(is_number)(a) x[b] = a[b] inputs.append(x) return np.sum(, axis=0))
FUNCTIONS['SUMPRODUCT'] = wrap_func(xsumproduct) FUNCTIONS['SQRT'] = wrap_ufunc(np.sqrt)
[docs]def xsrqtpi(number): raise_errors(number) x = list(flatten(replace_empty(number), None))[0] if isinstance(x, bool): return Error.errors['#VALUE!'] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): x = np.sqrt(float(x) * np.pi) return (np.isnan(x) or np.isinf(x)) and Error.errors['#NUM!'] or x
FUNCTIONS['SQRTPI'] = wrap_func(xsrqtpi)
[docs]def xsum(*args): raise_errors(args) return sum(list(flatten(args)))
FUNCTIONS['SUM'] = wrap_func(xsum) FUNCTIONS['TAN'] = wrap_ufunc(np.tan) FUNCTIONS['TANH'] = wrap_ufunc(np.tanh) FUNCTIONS['TRUNC'] = wrap_ufunc(functools.partial(xround, func=math.trunc))