Source code for formulas.tokens.operand

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2018 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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It provides Operand classes.

# noinspection PyCompatibility
import regex
import functools
import schedula as sh
from . import Token
from ..errors import TokenError
from .parenthesis import _update_n_args

maxcol = 16384
maxrow = 1048576

[docs]class XlError(sh.Token): pass
NULL = XlError('#NULL!') DIV = XlError('#DIV/0!') VALUE = XlError('#VALUE!') REF = XlError('#REF!') NUM = XlError('#NUM!') NAME = XlError('#NAME?') NA = XlError('#N/A')
[docs]class Operand(Token):
[docs] def ast(self, tokens, stack, builder): if tokens and isinstance(tokens[-1], Operand): raise TokenError() super(Operand, self).ast(tokens, stack, builder) builder.append(self) _update_n_args(stack)
[docs]class String(Operand): _re = regex.compile(r'^\s*"(?P<name>(?>""|[^"])*)"\s*')
[docs] def compile(self): return'""', '"')
[docs]class Error(Operand): _re = regex.compile( r'^\s*(?P<name>\#(?>NULL!|DIV/0!|VALUE!|REF!|NUM!|NAME\?|N/A))\s*', regex.IGNORECASE ) errors = {str(k): k for k in (NULL, DIV, VALUE, REF, NUM, NAME, NA)}
[docs] def compile(self): return self.errors[]
[docs]class Number(Operand): _re = regex.compile( r'^\s*(?P<name>[0-9]+(?>\.[0-9]+)?(?>E[+-][0-9]+)?|TRUE|FALSE)' r'(?!([a-z]|[0-9]|\.|\s*\:))\s*', regex.IGNORECASE )
[docs] def compile(self): return eval(
_re_range = r""" (?> (?> (?> '(\[(?P<excel>[^\[\]]+)\])? (?P<sheet>(?>''|[^\?!*\/\[\]':"])+)?' | (\[(?P<excel_id>[0-9]+)\])(?P<sheet>[^\W\d][\w\.]*) | (?P<sheet>[^\W\d][\w\.]*) | '(?P<sheet>(?>''|[^\?!*\/\[\]':"])+)' )! )? (?> (?> (?> \$?(?P<c1>[A-Z]+)?\$?(?P<r1>[1-9]\d*)? (?>:\$?(?P<c2>[A-Z]+)?)(\$?(?P<r2>[1-9]\d*)?)? ) | \$?(?P<c1>[A-Z]+)\$?(?P<r1>[1-9]\d*) | \$?(?P<c1>[A-Z]+):\$?(?P<c2>[A-Z]+) | \$?(?P<r1>[1-9]\d*):\$?(?P<r2>[1-9]\d*) ) | (?> (?> R(?P<r1>[1-9]\d*)C(?P<n1>[1-9]\d*) (?>:R(?P<r2>[1-9]\d*)C(?P<n2>[1-9]\d*))? ) | R(?P<r1>[1-9]\d*)C(?P<n1>[1-9]\d*) | R(?P<r1>[1-9]\d*):R(?P<r2>[1-9]\d*) | C(?P<n1>[1-9]\d*):C(?P<n2>[1-9]\d*) ) | (?P<ref>[A-Z_\\]+[A-Z0-9\.\_]*) ) | (?> (?> R\[(?P<rr1>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\]C\[(?P<rc1>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\] (?>:R\[(?P<rr2>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\]C\[(?P<rc2>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\])? ) | R\[(?P<rr1>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\]C\[(?P<rc1>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\] | R\[(?P<rr1>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\]:R\[(?P<rr2>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\] | C\[(?P<rc1>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\]:C\[(?P<rc2>[\+-]?[1-9]\d*)\] ) ) (?![\(\w]) """ _re_range = regex.compile( r'^(?>(?P<indirect>INDIRECT\("{0}?"\))|{0})'.format(_re_range), regex.IGNORECASE | regex.X | regex.DOTALL ) def _index2col(index): index = int(index) - 1 if index < 0: return '' d = index // 26 chr1 = _index2col(d) if d > 0 else '' return '%s%s' % (chr1, chr(ord('A') + index % 26)) def _col2index(col): index, power = 0, 1 for ch in col.upper()[::-1]: index += (ord(ch) - ord('A') + 1) * power power *= 26 return index @functools.lru_cache(None) def _maxcol(): return _index2col(maxcol) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _maxrow(): return str(maxrow) def _build_cel(c, r): r = str(r and int(r) or '') return c != _maxcol() and c or '', r != _maxrow() and r or '' def _build_ref(c1, r1, c2, r2): (c1, r1), v2 = _build_cel(c1, r1), '{}{}'.format(*_build_cel(c2, r2)) v1 = '{}{}'.format(c1, r1) if v1 == v2 and c1 and r1: if v1: return v1 raise ValueError() return '%s:%s' % (v1, v2) _re_build_id = regex.compile(r'^[0-9]+$') def _build_id(ref, sheet='', excel=''): if excel: sheet = "[%s]%s" % (excel, sheet.replace("''", "'")) if not _re_build_id.match(excel): sheet = "'%s'" % sheet return '!'.join(s for s in (sheet, ref) if s) def _sum(*args): return sum(map(float, args)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _range2parts(inputs, outputs): dsp = sh.Dispatcher(raises=True) dsp.add_data(data_id='cr', default_value='1') dsp.add_data(data_id='cc', default_value='1') dsp.add_function('relative2absolute', _sum, ['cr', 'rr1'], ['r1']) dsp.add_function('relative2absolute', _sum, ['cc', 'rc1'], ['n1']) dsp.add_function('relative2absolute', _sum, ['cr', 'rr2'], ['r2']) dsp.add_function('relative2absolute', _sum, ['cc', 'rc2'], ['n2']) dsp.add_function(function=_index2col, inputs=['n1'], outputs=['c1']) dsp.add_function(function=_index2col, inputs=['n2'], outputs=['c2']) dsp.add_function(function=_col2index, inputs=['c1'], outputs=['n1']) dsp.add_function(function=_col2index, inputs=['c2'], outputs=['n2']) dsp.add_function(function=sh.bypass, inputs=['c1'], outputs=['c2']) dsp.add_function(function=sh.bypass, inputs=['r1'], outputs=['r2']) dsp.add_function(function=lambda x, y: x[y], inputs=['external_links', 'excel_id'], outputs=['excel']) dsp.add_function(function=sh.bypass, weight=1, inputs=['excel_id'], outputs=['excel']) dsp.add_data(data_id='excel', filters=(str.upper,)) dsp.add_data(data_id='sheet', default_value='', filters=(str.upper,)) dsp.add_data(data_id='ref', filters=(str.upper,)) dsp.add_data(data_id='name', filters=(str.upper,)) dsp.add_data(data_id='n1', default_value=0, initial_dist=100) dsp.add_data(data_id='r1', default_value='0', initial_dist=100) dsp.add_data(data_id='c2', default_value=_maxcol(), initial_dist=100) dsp.add_data(data_id='r2', default_value=_maxrow(), initial_dist=100) dsp.add_function(None, _build_ref, ['c1', 'r1', 'c2', 'r2'], ['ref']) dsp.add_function(None, _build_id, ['ref', 'sheet', 'excel'], ['name']) func = sh.DispatchPipe(dsp, '', inputs, outputs) func.output_type = 'all' return func _keys = {'r1', 'r2', 'excel', 'c1', 'c2', 'n1', 'n2', 'sheet', 'ref', 'name'}
[docs]def fast_range2parts(**kw): inputs = sh.selector(_keys, kw, allow_miss=True) for func in (fast_range2parts_v1, fast_range2parts_v2, fast_range2parts_v3): try: return sh.combine_dicts(kw, base=func(**inputs)) except TypeError: pass else: raise ValueError
[docs]def fast_range2parts_v1(r1, c1, excel, sheet=''): n1, sheet = _col2index(c1), sheet.upper() ref, excel = '{}{}'.format(*_build_cel(c1, r1)).upper(), excel.upper() return { 'r1': r1, 'r2': r1, 'c1': c1, 'c2': c1, 'n1': n1, 'n2': n1, 'ref': ref, 'sheet': sheet, 'name': _build_id(ref, sheet, excel), 'excel': excel }
[docs]def fast_range2parts_v2(r1, c1, r2, c2, excel, sheet=''): sheet = sheet.upper() ref, excel = _build_ref(c1, r1, c2, r2).upper(), excel.upper() return { 'r1': r1, 'r2': r2, 'c1': c1, 'c2': c2, 'n1': _col2index(c1), 'n2': _col2index(c2), 'ref': ref, 'sheet': sheet, 'name': _build_id(ref, sheet, excel), 'excel': excel }
[docs]def fast_range2parts_v3(r1, n1, r2, n2, excel, sheet=''): sheet = sheet.upper() c1, c2 = _index2col(n1), _index2col(n2) ref, excel = _build_ref(c1, r1, c2, r2).upper(), excel.upper() return { 'r1': r1, 'r2': r2, 'c1': c1, 'c2': c2, 'n1': n1, 'n2': n2, 'ref': ref, 'sheet': sheet, 'name': _build_id(ref, sheet, excel), 'excel': excel }
[docs]def range2parts(outputs, **inputs): if 'excel_id' in inputs: inputs.pop('excel', None) elif 'excel' not in inputs: inputs['excel'] = '' try: return fast_range2parts(**inputs) except ValueError: keys = tuple(sorted(inputs)) outputs = outputs and tuple(outputs) or outputs return dict(_range2parts(keys, outputs)(*(inputs[k] for k in keys)))
[docs]class Range(Operand): _re = _re_range
[docs] def process(self, match, context=None): d = super(Range, self).process(match) if len(d) <= 1 and 'indirect' not in d and 'ref' in d: try: from .function import Function if Function(self.source).name == d['ref']: return {} except TokenError: pass if 'ref' in d: self.attr['is_reference'] = True return range2parts(None, **sh.combine_dicts(context or {}, d))
def __repr__(self): if self.attr.get('is_ranges', False): from ..ranges import Ranges return '{} <{}>'.format(, Ranges.__name__) return super(Range, self).__repr__()
[docs] def compile(self): if self.attr.get('is_ranges', False): from ..ranges import Ranges return Ranges().push(self.attr['name']) return sh.EMPTY